Kindergarten Promotion

Kindergarten Promotion
Carman-Buckner Kindergarten Parents:
Kindergarten Promotion at Carman-Buckner Elementary is on May 23, 2023, at 9:00 AM. The promotion will be held outdoors.
We would like all kindergarten students to wear a Yellow Gown and a Cap for the ceremony. The cost of the cap and gown is $16.77 (including basic shipping and handling) and our teaching staff has measured your child for the appropriate size. This size will be listed on the form students brought home Friday so that parents can complete their online orders between January 10, 2023, to January 30, 2023.
We ask that all parents make their orders for their child’s cap and gown by visiting Cap and Gown Direct Website for Carman-Buckner: - Kindergarten Shiny Gold Cap Gown & Tassel Package- $23.95. With the discount code: CBES2023 our student's parents will receive 30% off at check out and will pay the below prices of $16.77.
Parents who do not have online access to purchase the gown should return this form to the main office with $16.77 in an envelope no later than January 30, 2023. We are unable to provide change in the main office.
Thank you,
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