Back to School Information

Back to School Information

Hello Parents:
Believe it or not, the first day of school for the 22-23 School Year is right around the corner. We are excited about starting a wonderful new school year filled with teaching and learning. Below you will find some important information that guides you on your child's return to school in August.
Carman-Buckner will hold a Meet & Greet on August 10, 2022, between 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. This event provides parents the opportunity to visit their child’s classroom, meet the teacher, learn about school procedures, and drop off school supplies.
The first day of school is August 11, 2022, and students should report to their classrooms at 8:20 AM.
Pre-K Mono students enter through Door #6
Pre-K Dual students enter through Door #7
All Kindergarten students line up outside and enter through Door #9
All 1st Grade students enter through Door #1
All 2nd Grade students line up outside and enter through Door #16
All 3rd Grade students line up outside and enter through Door #17
All 4th Grade students line up on the multiplication table and enter through Door # 8
5th Grade students who have Ms. Metz & Ms. Gomberg line up outside and enter through Door #16
5th Grade students who have Ms. P. Garcia line up on the multiplication table and enter through Door # 8
Parents and students who do not know their child’s classroom number and teacher should enter through the main entrance to be guided to the correct location.
Open House:
Carman-Buckner will hold an Open House on September 6, 2022, from 4:00 PM-5:30 PM.
Early Release Days for School Year 22-23:
This upcoming school year Carman- Buckner Early Release Days are twice a month for teacher professional development. Students will be dismissed at 1:03pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month (8/17/22; 9/7/22; 9/21/22; 10/5/22; 10/19/22; 11/2/22; 11/16/22; 12/7/22; 1/18/23; 2/1/23; 2/15/23; 3/1/23; 3/15/23; 4/5/23; 4/19/23; 5/3/23). Please note that bus riders will be arriving 2 hours earlier than their normal drop-off time.
Pre-K Early Release Times:
Semester 1: August-December 2022
During the first semester and on Early Release Days Only (9/7/22, 9/21/22, 10/5/22, 10/19/22, 11/2/22, 11/16/22, 12/7/22- 1st and 3rd Wednesdays) Pre-K AM will have their normal school day from 8:25 AM- 11:00 AM. Pre-K PM classes will not be in session but will engage in assigned Asynchronous learning activities prepared by the teacher.
Semester 2: January-May 2023
During the second semester and on Early Release Days Only 1/18/23, 2/1/23, 2/15/23, 3/1/23, 3/15/23, 4/5/23, 4/19/23, 5/3/23, 5/17/22- 1st and 3rd Wednesdays) Pre-K AM classes will not be in session but will engage in assigned Asynchronous learning activities prepared by the teacher. Pre-K PM classes will have their normal school day from 12:28 PM-3:03 PM.
We are excited to see you at our Meet & Greet on August 10th from 3:30 PM-4:30 PM.
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